Puerto Rico Flags – 6th Avenue – Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NY
Puerto Rico Flags – 4th Avenue – Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NY
The (High) and Mighty Thor
Jae Brinks – D.N.Y.L. (Don’t Need Ya Love)
[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWW_RUP0NYM&list=UUJ_tYrdPyruGMZy9faEarnA&index=1&feature=plcp”]
The Top 10 Evils Of Ego
The Top 10 Evils Of Ego
by Brian ThompsonÂ
Ego is a touchy subject with many artists.
Because they don’t want to hurt it.
Many artists believe that a healthy dose of ego is required for their success and that it’s quite possibly the very thing that separates them from the rest of the pack.
I disagree. But…
Self-confidence and a firm belief in your awesomeness is required.
But not ego.
You can either have too much ego or too little, either one can be a detriment to your career. And it’s a fine line between the two.
The following ten points denote some of the evils of having excess ego in your career, you art and your life: